Goondi SS Welcome 2023
Welcome to 2023
Welcome back to school! 20.01.23
I am pleased to welcome our new and returning families to Goondi State School for the 2023 school year. School commences on Monday!
On the first day of school, class lists will be placed on the doors of each classroom. Please look for your child’s name. School staff will be available to help. Prep students go straight to the Prep classrooms but all other families new to the school, please go to the main office. This will mean that our usual routine for the supervision of students before school will not take place on the first day and will commence on day 2.
Careful consideration has gone into creating classes that are balanced, both academically and socially. Our classes are structured to provide equity at each year level. Thank you for helping your child to understand that it is not possible to place all students with preferred teachers or best friends. All staff work hard every day to provide a positive experience for all of our students. It can take a number of weeks to acclimatise to a new year level and teacher.
From day 2, Tuesday 24th January, students in Years 1-6 should make their way to the hall if arriving between 8-8:30 and Prep students should make their way to the Prep undercover area at this time.
So that your child settles into the new year’s routines, we ask that every effort be made to arrive at school well before the school bell, which sounds at 8:45am
The first few days of school are important in setting the tone and expectations for the year to come. Every effort should be made to ensure all students come to school from day 1. This is a crucial time in developing relationships with new teachers and new friends.
I thank all of our parents and carers for your continued support of the school and in preparing your children for the new school year.
Kind Regards,
Peter Begemann