Goondi SS Newsletter 23.11.22
From the Prinicpal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another year has gone and we now only have 2 more weeks to ensure a fantastic end to the year for our students.
Our students and teachers are currently focussed on assessment and reporting and as I visited class rooms this fortnight, I have seen lots of busy students ‘heads down’ completing these tasks.
As my contract at Goondi finishes at the end of this term, I would like to thank the staff, students and community for your warm welcome. I have loved my time here at Goondi and I think you have a very special school which embraces learning and wellbeing. Mr Begemann is looking forward to returning in 2023.
Our end of year awards ceremonies will be held in the last week of school on Thursday 8th of December. We will take the opportunity to acknowledge those students who have excelled in a range of academic areas, and to present our graduating Year 6 students with their graduation certificates. Our new student leaders for 2023 will also be announced.
This year, the awards ceremonies will take place separately. The first ceremony being Prep to Year 5 and the second Year 6. Both ceremonies will take place in our Multi-Purpose Hall. The Prep to Year 5 will commence at 2pm and the Year 6 at 6pm. The year 6 leavers dinner will be at Brothers Innisfail at 7:30pm. Year 6 students have specific information about this.
This week was our last Pre-Prep Day for 2022. The Program continues to be hugely popular. This year we saw more than 40 students participating in the program. The program helps us to begin positive relationships with new parents and students and has ensured that many of our families now have a better understanding of some of the school practices and programs.
A big congratulations to all our students for your achievements. Your hard work, performance and commitment to learning is outstanding. Thank you to all our staff for your dedication and passion for education, all our Goondi students are very fortunate to have such a committed team of educators. One more big thank you goes to our parents and caregivers for supporting the school and your child on their learning journey.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our awards ceremonies in the final week of term.
Kristina Haigh
School Calendar
Tues 29th Nov - ISC Transition Day (Year 6)
Tues 6th Dec - 'A Key' Reward Excursion
- Report Cards sent home
Thurs 8th Dec - Prep-5 Parade (2pm)
- Year 6 Graduation (6pm)
Fri 9th Dec - End of Year Parade (10am)
- Lolly Drop (2.30pm)
– Free Dress Day (no gold coin donation)– Please ensure sun safe clothing
Other School News
Semester 2 Reports
Written reports will be sent home with your child on Tuesday 6th December. The purpose of the report is to provide the parents/caregivers with information about their child’s achievement against the Australian Curriculum, as well as effort and behaviour throughout terms 3 & 4.
Reporting is part of communicating with parents and building the school-parent partnership to improve student learning. School reporting processes aim to be clear and transparent for parents, so they understand:
- The learning expectations for their child
- Their child’s achievement against expected standards
- How well their child is engaging with the expected learning
- How their child may be able to improve
Once you have received your child’s report, you are urged to discuss it with him/her, and celebrate their achievements, acknowledge effort and work together on setting goals for improvement.
Early Arrivals
There has been a very big increase in the number of students arriving early at school. Students who arrive early must sit quietly at the tables in the 5/6 area. If your child is arriving early, please send them with a book or a quiet activity. Students are not to be running around. The Hall does not open until 8am.
Candy Canes and Christmas Treats
It is that time of year when students want to share a special treat with their friends to say happy holidays. Can we ask that students leave this to the last week of school and they are to be given out at home time. Students will be encouraged to take the treat home as lollies are not permitted during the school day.
YEAR 6 -7 TRANSITION to Innisfail State College
As the final activity in the Innisfail Canecutter Cluster primary into junior secondary school transition program, Innisfail State College will be hosting all year 6 students for a full day of classes on Tuesday 29th November 2022.
The aim of this orientation is to allow students to experience a typical day of year 7 at ISC. Students will need to be at ISC to start the day no later than 8:30 am starting with a parade in D block. Each student will be given a personal timetable to follow for the day. Students will experience moving around the college, meeting their teachers for 2023 and experiencing how our subjects are taught.
All students will be required to wear their primary school uniform, including hat, and bring a schoolbag, containing at least one exercise book, writing pens or pencils, a packed lunch that does not require refrigeration, a water bottle, and/or money to purchase lunch from the college canteen.
Parents and guardians will be responsible for getting their child to and from Innisfail State College. The day will finish at the regular school time of 2:50 pm. Students who travel by bus can catch the bus to and from the college. Trans North Bus Company is aware of this arrangement and we are grateful for their generous support of this arrangement.
If you still require an enrolment interview for year 7 in 2023, can you please contact Innisfail State College to arrange an interview time to take place this year. Please note that an interview and fully completed enrolment pack must be returned to enrol your child for next year. We look forward to seeing all students at the orientation day.
We look forward to child joining us for the orientation day. If you have any questions about the above, please contact the college on 4078 0222 or email
Positive Behaviour for Learning-We want your feedback
Students achieving through Positive Behaviour for Learning
At Goondi State School we are proud to become a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school. We also encourage and invite family involvement and feedback on our implementation of PBL.
Backed by 40 years of research, PBL is an evidence-informed framework that promotes positive behaviour across a school and helps develop safe and supportive learning environments.
The PBL approach to behaviour and learning means we have clear and consistent expectations for behaviour which are agreed and shared with the whole school community. We explicitly teach our expectations and then reteach if students do not get it right the first time, just like we would reteach English or Maths if a student needed further understanding or practice.
Teachers also build positive classroom environments and take a proactive approach when students need additional or intensive support to reach their learning outcomes and engage successfully at school.
One of the benefits of using PBL is that it provides universal support to all students across the whole school. We then identify the students who may need additional support such as mentoring or learning modifications, and the smaller number of students who will need intensive support. Importantly, since PBL is a framework, we can add other programs or access services to provide the right support for our students.
As a school, we are supported by a network of PBL advisers in each region and have the opportunity to work with other PBL schools to share best practice. Regular training and building staff capability are critical in maintaining our PBL verification every year, which gives you the confidence that we are implementing PBL in the best way.
You can listen to the 12-minute podcast Students achieving through Positive Behaviour for Learning to hear what PBL means for parents and students. More about our PBL program and behaviour expectations will be communicated in the school newsletter, Facebook and on class Dojo or visit the Department of Education’s Behaviour website.
The next stage of our PBL journey is to finalise our 3 to 5 positive, school-wide behaviour expectations for all members of the school community to follow. The Goondi 5, Be safe, participate and work hard, show respect, get organised and bounce back has been embedded as the Goondi way for many years. Moving forward, we are seeking support from our families to inform the future expectations of behaviour at our school. We are considering two models of behaviour, The Goondi 5 or We are Safe, We are Respectful, We are responsible and We are Mindful.
Once these behaviour expectations have been agreed upon, students are then explicitly taught the expectations, when and where they should be used and what each expectation looks like and sounds like. As a PBL school we will develop a school-wide system for teaching expectations to all our students.
A short survey link will be sent in the coming days and we would appreciate it if you could please give us your feedback providing us what your choice is for our future behaviour expectations at Goondi.
Devices and TIKTOK
It has come to our attention that there are a number of students coming to school with iPads and/or phones. Students are encouraged NOT to bring any valuable devices to school. If they are required for before/after school reasons students must hand in their device to the office upon arrival and pick up the device at 3pm. Students are not allowed to access their device at the bus area or parent pick up.
Unfortunately, some of our students have disregarded our processes and have been keeping their devices in their bag and using them during school time/playtime. This poses a considerable risk as students use programs such as TikTok to upload photos and videos of themselves. At times, this is occurring without student permissions. TikTok’s official age requirement is 13 years old because there are a number of risks to allowing your child to access this platform. Please take the time to discuss the importance of being safe online with your child. More information can be provided on this link.
Our P&C is holding its end-of-year Xmas raffle to raise funds for our school:
All funds raised by the P&C go back to our school, benefitting Goondi kids!
Extra tickets will be available at the office. All sold (and unsold) tickets to be returned by Monday 5 December
P&C Membership for 2023
Our school has a small and dedicated P&C group. In 2023, we would love to see new members join us to help continue the high-quality service that our P&C has delivered throughout 2022. It is a fantastic chance to have a positive effect on the school life of Goondi State School students through fund raising, awards and event coordination.
In 2022 our P&C have supported Goondi State School with many events that are a part of our school culture such as the Spell-a-thon, pie-drive, Christmas raffle, Year 5 camp, A Key rewards trip and many awards.
The first P&C meeting (AGM followed by the general meeting) will take place on Monday 20th February at 5.30pm
On behalf of the Goondi State School P&C, we look forward to seeing you there.
At this time of the year, we are deep into planning for classes in 2023. It is important that we know who will be enrolled at Goondi State School next year.
If you are leaving the district, or if your child will be attending a different school next year, we ask that you contact the office. This will assist us greatly with putting together classes for next year. It will also assist us with the transfer of student records when your child enrols at their new school.
If you know of anyone who is intending to enrol their child at Goondi State School in 2023, please ask them to contact the school and complete an expression of interest enrolment form.
Our school is enrolment managed. This means that students residing within the school’s catchment can be enrolled once proof of residency is provided by the parents or carers. Students outside the school’s catchment area can still be enrolled provided there are vacancies.
Teachers and students are currently in the midst of assessment and reporting. End of semester report cards will be sent home in the last week of term on Tuesday 6th December.
Booklists for Years 1-6 will be sent home with the end of semester report card. Our local newsagents and book sellers will also be given a copy of our booklists.
Our school will break-up on Friday 9th December. The day is a free dress day and the P&C will supply morning tea (watermelon and fruit) and lunch (sausage sizzle). Students may still bring their own morning tea and lunch if they wish.
Classes will participate in a number of activities throughout the course of the day. The day will conclude with a lolly drop at 2:30pm. Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm. School buses will run as per usual.
Prep Capers
Three weeks to go! This will be our last Prep Capers for the year. We would like to take this time to wish all our families a Happy and Safe Holiday and a Happy New Year.
Our Prep classes will be finalising assessments this week. During Writing, students will revise the Letterland Characters and pick their favourite character and give reasons why it is their favourite. Phonics will focus on ‘ew’ and ‘oy’ then revise learnt Magic E and Long Vowel sounds. Students have been presenting their ‘Favourite Toy’ to their peers and doing a fabulous job.
Maths activities will focus on revising concepts taught in Term 3 and 4. Students will use hands on materials and whiteboards. Maths lessons will be incorporated through rotation activities so students can continue to socialise with their peers.
During Science, teachers are observing great reasoning from the students when asked, ‘Why would they use that material to make a house’? Students have tested and are confident knowing which materials are waterproof and strong. Students have begun to build their 2D shape houses.
Letterland Parade and Picnic will be in Week 9 on the Thursday starting at 9:00- 10:00. A letter will be sent home this week with more details. It will be placed in your students’ homework folder. There will be ideas for Letterland Costumes on the back of the letter.
Happy holiday from all the Prep Staff 😊
Year 1 Capers
What a busy week it has been in Year One! Most of our assessment has been completed and we are now focusing on revising concepts learnt throughout the year. Great job to the Year Ones for all their hard work!
In English, we are still carrying on with writing our persuasive texts. We were very impressed at the quality of writing during our assessment tasks, where the year ones convinced the reader to buy them their dream pet. We almost found ourselves at the pet shop after school!
In Mathematics we are focusing on reconsolidating and revising concepts that need extra attention. We also are continuing to practice our addition and subtraction facts.
Just a reminder to please keep lollies and chocolate at home. Students are not allowed to bring these to school.
What an awesome year it has been. Thank you to parents/carers for all your support!
Tayla, Hayley, Leigh, Fiona and Kimberley.
Year 2 Capers
Hello from Year 2!
We can’t believe it’s Week 8 already. This term and year have gone by so quickly. This week finds us in the middle of our assessment period, an important time where students get to show us the learning they have done this year. It has been an exciting time for us here marking the work and discussing results. Once all assessment is completed and marks finalised, we will assemble report cards and send them home with your students, unless other arrangements have been made. This will be on the Tuesday of Week 10.
The weather continues to get hotter, so remember our school policy about hats. If there’s no hat, there’s no play. Students likewise are welcome to bring a water bottle to school for easy access to water, but if they don’t have one we do have bubblers available so everyone can get a drink.
Just a quick reminder again about Pokemon cards, these are banned at Goondi State School. If a student is seen with a card, it will be taken from them until the end of the school day, and contact with home will be made. Please make sure your learner does not bring Pokemon cards to school with them.
Nathan Worth, Robyn Scheiwe and Jeanette Spataro.
Year 3 Capers
This is our last newsletter article for the year so we want to say a very big thank you to parents and carers for the support you have given your child/ren in order to be successful this year. It has been a pleasure working with this group and we have enjoyed their desire to learn. We wish them all the best for Year Four. All our testing will be completed this week.
In English we will write two more imaginative recounts: I got chased by a bull and I survived survival day. We are revisiting multiplication and division in Maths, along with time and 3D shapes. Our HASS unit is finished but it provoked a lot of discussion regarding democracy discussion making and writing positive rules. It was interesting to hear students’ opinions backed up with valid reasons. There are two more lessons for Science: ‘the power of cold’ and ‘too hot to handle’.
We have structured lessons planned for Week 10 using Christmas as our theme. We will do some symmetry, coordinates, poetry, story writing and find-a-words.
Have a safe and relaxing holiday,
Donna, Janelle, Paula and Lizette.
Year 4 Capers
This week students continue to undertake end of term assessments to determine their final grades for report cards. They should have already completed their Maths assessments and will continue this week to complete English, HASS and Science. Students have also undertaken a number of diagnostic tests designed to illustrate how far they have travelled academically throughout the year. Congratulations to those students who have worked hard and continue to show significant improvement across various subject areas.
Just a reminder that at Goondi, we work up until the last day of school, so attendance is still vitally important. The final two weeks give students the opportunity to revise and embed Year 4 skills that will help contribute to academic success for next year.
In addition to our usual learning, there will be some additional fun to be had including Week 9 A-Key Excursion (for students who have remained on an A-Key all year) and in Week 10 the famous lolly drop.
Please ensure your child attends on the last day of school as it provides students a chance to clean up and take belongings home for the holidays as well as say goodbye to their teacher and friends. If your family will not be returning to Goondi in 2023, could you please notify the office.
Many thanks.
Kathy and Tayla
Year 4/5 & 5 Capers
Grade 4/5 and 5B have been busy! Students have been finalising assessments across all KLAs and are now eagerly working on building their ecofriendly, sustainable Bug Hotels! While it is great to see some excellent craftmanship and final products, the focus of this assessment is in the designing and planning stages as well as the student’s ability to use tools safely and keep a clean, tidy work space.
We also want to congratulate the 17 students who ran for a school leadership position for 2023. All students did an exceptional job presenting to their peers and teachers as well as Mrs. Haigh and we wish all students the best of luck. Voting processes are being finalised and the successful candidates will be announced at the end of term.
ICT Showcase
For the duration of the year students in Miss Scott and Mrs. Nolan’s classes have been utilising digital programs to support, extend and engage them in their learning. These programs will now be used across the upper primary years in 2023 and are important tools to support student achievement especially with online testing such as NAPLAN and PAT Testing.
IXL: At its most basic, is a targeted learning tool. It offers experiences for students, tailored to their age group by specific subject and topic. By offering analytics and recommendations, it is able to help support teaching and learning with a very focused outcome.
Writer’s Toolbox: Unlike other writing programmes, Writer's Toolbox starts from the top down. Dr Hunter, a former university professor, developed Writer's Toolbox with the key writing skills a student would need to excel in tertiary education and worked backwards: charting year-by-year the 20 key writing skills that should be taught in the life of the student.
Scan the QR codes to hear how we are using IXL and Writer’s Toolbox from some of our students.
Year 6 Capers
It’s the Final Countdown! The countdown to the end of term and the end of primary school for our year six students has officially begun!
Students are getting very excited knowing their primary school days are coming to an end, however, there is still plenty of work to do until then. This week we are working hard to complete all our Maths, Science and Technology assessments and the students are finalising their environmentally-sustainable community spaces in HASS.
Just a reminder of the final ISC Orientation Day next Tuesday, November the 29th. This day is considered a normal Goondi school day and all students are expected to attend the ISC Orientation Day. Students are to make their own way to and from the high school on that day for this full-day orientation. Please confirm transport arrangements with your child before the day.
Thank you to all students who have been focusing on getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and bringing a healthy lunch to school, to make sure they are fully equipped for learning and assessment each day.
Thank you for your support!
Tjaart Richards, Melanie Worth and Janette McClelland.
Sports News
Last Friday we were lucky enough to take three teams to Callendar Park to participate in the annual Billy Slater League Tag event against other schools in the Cassowary Coast. All students had a fantastic day even with the heat on the day. Congratulations must go to our Year 6 girls team who walked away with the Sportmanship Trophy for the second year in a row. Well done!!
The Arts News
It has been another highly productive and creative fortnight in Media Arts! Our students are continuing to experiment and produce works using a variety of apps on the iPad. Lower year levels are continuing to exploring the concept of sound and how it is used in digital media works. They have also started making digital Christmas Cards using hand draw images combined with text in iPhotos. Year 3 and Year 4 are continuing to explore iMovie using the Trailers template. This has been a very fun and challenging task which requires them to think as author, actor and director. The students have learnt about the different types of photographic shot types and devices used to create meaning in movies. Year 5 and 6 are also continuing to use the CLIPS app to create movie posters and are also experimenting with animation using an exciting app that we have recently installed on the iPADS known as STOP MOTION. Great work all!
Arts Teacher
Francesca Rosa
Instrumental Music News
We are currently in the final stages of recruiting new instrumental music students for 2023. At Goondi State School we offer strings from Year 3 and Band from Year 4. If your child is interested and you missed the information night, please contact Tamara Gillard ( or call 4078 0222 so that we can add your child to our list of interested students.
Learning a musical instrumental is fantastic for the brain and research has shown that long term engagement with music learning can help students with reading, executive function and social and emotional development. The instrumental music program is a great way for your child to be involved in making music within the school context. We strongly encourage you to seek more information now if your child is interested, as we will not be offering positions at the start of next year. For those who have already expressed interest, notes will be sent home before the end of the year with confirmation of the instrument that your child will be learning.
Free Concert
In other news, there is an upcoming community concert being held at Innisfail State College on Sunday the 4th of December. This performance will feature brass, woodwind and percussion instruments playing a variety of music. This should be a really great afternoon of entertainment. Tickets are free – we hope to see you there!
L.O.T.E News
Benvenuti (Welcome). The Years 5 and 6 Italian classes at Goondi State School are focusing on furthering their knowledge of the Italian language by speaking, writing and listening to new words, phrases and sentences.
Year 5 students are using two tables to understand nouns, adjectives and the definite article in Italian and are completing their description of an Italian wild or domestic animal. They are taking notes and completing simple sentences.
Year 6 students are furthering their knowledge of Italian vocabulary to complete their descriptions of a vacation in Italy at a seaside and a mountainous location.
The bookwork standard shown in their exercise books is pleasing. Feedback and assistance is given to students regularly. Continue encouraging your child to speak Italian with you and discuss what they are learning.
Arrivederci (Goodbye)
Signora Lazzarini
Community News
Christmas Pageant Children’s Christmas Eve Mass – Good Counsel Catholic Church Innisfail
If you would like your child to be a part of the pageant, the first practice will be on Thursday 8th December at 3.30 p.m. and the second on Thursday 15th December at 3.30 p.m. in the Good Counsel Catholic Church. Come and be a part of the real meaning of Christmas. If you require further information please contact Angie Pennisi at the Parish Centre on 40 63 0650 or Maria Clark 0448 716 271 and Donna Vecchio 0409 586 875.
Position vacant
Casual School Crossing Supervisor
A position exists for a Casual School Crossing Supervisor at Goondi State School.
- A School Crossing Supervisor must be able to work in all-weather conditions,
- 1 hour and 30 mins per day - a maximum of up to 5 days per fortnight (on a rostered basis).
- Relief opportunities on your rostered days off.
- Pay Rate $32.70 per hour.
Commencement of employment for the successful applicant is dependent on:
- The favourable outcome of a health assessment.
- A Positive Notice Blue Card (you do not need to have a blue card to apply for the position).
Please call Michelle at Transport and Main Roads for an application package on 07 4045 8557.