Goondi SS Class Term Overview
Prep Overview

Year 1 Overview
This term the genre the students will be writing is an imaginative recount. They really get a chance to let their imaginations carry them away by using interesting adjectives and creative storylines. Each week, the students get to become a character in their recounts, along with a popular character from a story book. They will need to write 3 paragraphs including a beginning, middle and an ending. The grammar and punctuation for the term will focus on correct use of capital letters and full stops and interesting and on point adjectives.
In Maths this term there will be a big focus learning key number concepts including numbers to 20 with a focus on teen numbers. The students will get to use a variety of concrete materials to make and represent teen numbers and correctly write them as a numeral and word. They will then move towards looking at the place value of two-digit numbers and how we can partition these. In measurement there will be a focus towards recognising 2D and 3D shapes an and investigating their properties. We will also use concrete materials to investigate concepts of length, mass and volume.
The Science unit this term is called ‘Changes around me’. Throughout the term the students will investigate the changes that occur around them including day and night, the seasons and months, the weather and how these affect us and our native animals.
The history unit this term is called ‘A moment in time’. Throughout this unit students will explore the past, present and future and link events in their own and their families lives to each one. They will also look at how they have changed since birth to now and learn about the different stages of life from baby to older person.
Leigh Slater (1A), Hayley Barba (1B), Tayla Vandal (1C) and Fiona Stepanoff (Teacher Aide)
Year 2 Overview

Year 3 Overview

Year 4 Overview

Year 5 & 4/5 Overview

Year 6 Overview