Parent/Carer Covid update letter
From the Prinicpal
Dear Parents and Carers, 17.01.22
I am sure you will agree that this is not the start of the new year that we were hoping for!
As we communicated to you last week, you would have heard in the media, the academic year has been postponed until Monday, February 7th, by which time the Government hopes that the Omicron wave will have peaked. Therefore, we will be offering supervision only for students of essential workers from Monday, January 24th. No teaching or learning will take place during this time and our school will be operating with a reduced staff.
The Government definition of for an essential workers is as follows: someone who provides essential services and is unable to work from home. This includes but is not limited to doctors, nurses and other front-line medical staff, retail workers, haulage drivers, school staff and emergency services personnel.
So that we can make every effort to keep your children and our staff safe, we respectfully request that you adhere to this definition. In addition, if you are at home, your children should be at home. If you have family able to look after your children while you work, this should be done wherever possible. During this time, we are required to reduce the number of staff on site at school and therefore have scheduled a skeleton staff to be rostered on each day to supervise the children of essential workers.
Students who do attend school will be required to:
• Wear full school uniform
• Bring lunch and a water bottle
• Gather in the Hall before school each morning (Prep students gather in Prep Undercover Area)
Please drop children off at the gate to avoid any contacts, however, if you are an essential worker and either a Prep parent or new parent to the school, you are welcome to escort your children to the hall or Prep area to ensure they have found their way there safely. Prep parents may drop off books and equipment when arriving at school, students in other year levels bring with them to the hall. Please remember to sign in using the Qld Govt QR code.
We will shortly be sending out a survey link to the School Online Booking System to all parents. Please indicate your intentions for your children for each day of Week 1 (Not Australia Day on the 26th). We will send out another survey in Week 1 to confirm your intentions for Week 2. We thank you in advance for your response to these requests as it enables us to plan appropriate levels of supervision for all children.
If you would like to support your child’s learning during this time, you can access the Department of Education’s Learning@home website on
Further information for parents on the Department’s website can be found here
As further information about schooling over the coming weeks is made available, I will continue to keep you as up to date as possible. Our priority remains the safety of our students and staff during this time and I understand that these circumstances create challenges for all our Goondi families. I thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Peter Begemann